Samuel Watts


Samuel Watts


Related Services

  • Tax, Accounting
  • Financial Statements
  • Audit, Payroll
  • Tax Research
  • Acquistions/Mergers
  • Quckbooks
  • Quickbooks Online
  • CCH Tax package
  • UltraTax Tax Package
  • Turbo Tax Package
  • Microsoft programs.

I am an Ohioan through and through.  I am one of eight children, from Cincinnati, Ohio, however, I am the only one who doesn’t live in SW Florida.  I have spent all of my life in Ohio, except for about 5 years working in other States.  From an early age, I excelled in mathematics and wondered how I could use this gift to my advantage.  That lead me to want to be an “Accountant”.  I graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelors of Business Administration degree with a major of Accounting.  Since that time, I have had the privilege to have worked with a variety of companies and CPA Firms that utilized my skills in Accounting, Tax, and Audit.  After passing the CPA exam, I decided to start teaching other prospective accounting graduates how is pass the CPA Exam with Becker Professional Review.  I am still an Instructor for Becker for 35 years.  I enjoy many different types of sports, primarily Golf, ML Baseball, NFL Football, and College Basketball.  I stand by two different credos, one is that jobs should be “Fun and Enjoyable” with the other being “There are no Stupid Questions”.  That is why I want to import any knowledge that I may have to give to anyone who would want to listen and learn.  My love for music has allowed me to have been involved with various vocal groups and have been on stage all over the US and in Russia/Poland.


  • University of Cincinnati, graduate of 1980
  • Co-op Student while at UC for 6 Quarters

Professional Affiliations

I am a member of the Praise Team with The River Church, in Liberty Twp, Ohio

Ask Me About

Having worked in the Accounting profession since 1977, I have been able to be involved with a vast amount of different accounting and tax systems, along with Computer Main Frames to personal computers.  This involvement included implementing new accounting and tax systems, setting up Full Absorption Manufacturing system.  I have worked in all aspects of Cost Accounting.  I have helped to set up Network systems to be used in the Company.

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