Jeric Jake Bondoc


Jeric Jake Bondoc


Related Services

  • Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • Bookkeeping
  • Tax Preparation
  • Inventory Audit
  • Accounts Receivable and Payable
  • Financial Software Proficiency

Jeric Jake Bondoc has 5 years of experience in bookkeeping, financial management and audit. He is a skilled accounting specialist, with a solid background in accounting and an eye for detail. Jeric has handled the financial operations of several companies with success, guaranteeing accuracy and adherence to all applicable laws. Jeric knows how to manage daily accounting tasks, including accounts receivable and payable, and financial reporting. He is also a proficient audit professional in conducting thorough inventory audits, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing strategic risk management and insights. With a strong analytical mindset and exceptional attention to detail, Jeric has successfully identified and mitigated inventory risks for various organizations.


  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Tarlac City, Philippines
  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology, Pampanga, Philippines

Professional Affiliations

  • Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants

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During free time Jeric takes time to play with his furbabies. He also loves listening to music, especially in the pop genre. He is also actively participating in community service as he believes in doing good to others will not result to evil.

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